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【Represented artist Lintalow Hashiguchi participate in Koganecho Bazaar 2024】

Art Festival "Koganecho Bazaar 2024," which has been held since 2008 with a focus on the relationship between art and community, as well as cultural exchange with Asia, features the participation of artist Lintalow Hashiguchi. This exhibition showcases a variety of expressions centered around the practice and progress of Koganecho, not only with artists associated with Koganecho but also with artists from across Asia, inviting them to Yokohama.


Koganecho Bazaar 2024

The World, Not According to Art


【Venue】Under the elevated tracks between Keikyu Line Hinodemachi Station and Koganecho Station, as well as surrounding studios.

【Exhibition Period】March 15th, 2024 (Friday) - June 9th, 2024 (Sunday) *Additional exhibits will be added during the exhibition period.

【Opening Hours】11:00 AM - 7:00 PM

【Admission Fee】1000 yen


For more details from here

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